According to a 2010 study by Renters Insurance, a home is hit by burglary every 15 seconds. The good thing is that we know a lot of insight and research put in for homeowners to help you avoid becoming the next victim in your neighborhood. Check out these statistics on home burglaries and how you can help protect your home.
When Burglaries Happen
Burglary Statistics by Month
Study shows that the majority of burglaries happen during the summer months of July and August, but cool off in February. They believe that the rise in burglaries happen during these summer months because people tend to be on summer vacation and homes are then left unattended. If you do leave town during these months, make sure someone is watching over your house and that you don’t share with everyone on social media that you are leaving, especially with the dates that you are gone.
Burglary Statistics by Time of Day
The time of day that homes are usually burglarized may not surprise you. Most break-ins take place between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. as this is the time many homeowners are at work and their children are in school. This gives burglars more time to be able to spend in your house as they know they have time before you return home.
What do Burglars Steal
One of the easiest things to carry as well as being concealable is money. Keeping your money at the bank is safer than storing it under your mattress. In 2010, $1.2 billion dollars were stolen in home burglaries with only 3.2% of that recovered.
Jewelry can be easily stolen and sold off again for profit at any given store. It is important that any of your valuable items are kept stored and locked up in a safe. Jewelry is also one of the largest value portion of break-ins across the U.S.
No matter what type of equipment, it can all be sold by the burglar especially valuable equipment that is used in office spaces.
One of the most dangerous items stolen are firearms. They can then be used in turn in another act of violence with being traced back to your name. Keep firearms locked away so even burglars can’t see or break into it.
Especially during the holidays, many people buy electronics including TVs, video game consoles, computers and cell phones. In 2010, it was reported that approximately $950k worth of electronics were stolen with only 4.2% being recovered.
Although this may not be your first thought when it comes to items being stolen, if a burglar finds a piece of clothing or furs worth anything, they will take it.
Household Goods
One addition item that has been reported stolen often includes household goods. Over $325k worth of household goods were stolen in 2010.
To protect your home from burglars, install the proper security measures outside and inside your home. A bolted down safe can insure that valuable items that you lock away are kept in the safe and in your home. The average amount of time a burglar will spend in your home is between 8 to 12 minutes. They will rummage through your items until they find what they are looking for. Make sure they can’t find anything and that it is stored away. One of the most targeted rooms in a house is the master bedroom as that is generally where cash, jewelry, and safes are located. Hiding your valuables in your dresser drawers, closets, or desks are not good enough as burglars will rummage through it all.
Keep your home, family, and valuables safe by installing the first line of defense, security doors and window. Stop burglars from entering your home the moment that they try. Call the experts at Steel Shield Security today to learn more about installing custom steel enclosures, doors, and windows to your home.