Starting mid-June through mid-August, Arizona experiences a weather phenomenon called a monsoon. If you have never experienced a monsoon, it usually brings on about half of Arizona’s annual rainfall, heavy wind, and a variety of wildlife species. Because all of this happens at once, water, dirt, or creatures can enter your home through cracks in your door, especially if you don’t have a weather strip attached to the footing of your door.

How do I know when to replace?

Your doors may currently have a weather stripping piece attached. It is important to know what kind of piece is attached to your doors and how long they have been there. If you can see gaps between your door to the outside, this is a clear sign that it needs to be replaced. Any damage to your weather stripping allows air and potentially water to leak in.

Doors may not come standard with a lifetime of protection of weather stripping or even have a stripping piece attached. Even if the doors in your house have a weather stripping piece, over time, the foam or plastic material wears out or loses its resilience. Foam weather stripping is applied with glue and may not work properly due to harsh temperatures.

When should I replace?

Depending on the type of weather stripping you use and the type of weather your home experiences, you may have to replace it more often than not. However, there is a way you can avoid keep having to replace this to keep out any weather conditions along with keeping bugs out.

At Steel Shield Security, our security doors come standard with two specific items that are going to help keep out unwanted weather and bugs. Aluminum Z-Bar with channeled felt doesn’t wear like foam and is resistant to harsh temperatures. Fortunately for you, the Aluminum Z-Bars that are added onto the security doors are connected with a lifetime of protection. The other standard feature is the aluminum expander bar. This is attached to the bottom of your door with rubber sweeps that keeps bugs out.

If you are thinking about replacing your door with a security door or are wanting to know more about Steel Shield Security, give us a call, (623) 581-3667. We can help guide you in the right direction and share with you the product standard features.